Will compost worms eat dog poop?

by Gillian
(East Sussex )

Hello, l set up my wormery a month ago with a thousand worms and they are just not eating the dog waste. The worms look fine and haven't had any escape. A few go through to the bottom but I have collected those daily. Could you please advise me?

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Aug 16, 2021
Re: Will compost worms eat dog poop?
by: Stephan

Hello Gillian,

the way I understand it you started your worm farm about a month ago with 1000 worms and you are feeding them dog waste.

You are concerned now because the worms don't seem to be eating the dog waste.

Now you must consider that your worms will need a while to get climatized and used to their new home/ worm bin as well to the new types of food that you are offering to them. Older worms usually take a little longer than infant worms to adapt to new food and new surroundings. So give them some time to get used to your worm bin.

Then you must consider that worms will only eat any organic materials that are offered to them as food once the materials are beginning to decompose.

Another thing to consider is the amount of dog waste and or other worm food you are offering to your worm herd?

How many dogs do you have and how big are they? Worms have a big appetite and can consummate about half their body weight per day in captivity but if you add more worm food than that the amount of uneaten organic materials might begin to increase till the worm herd has multiplied and will be able to consummate all the food on offer.

If the worms seem to be happy in the worm bin I suggest you monitor the amount of waste you add to your worm bin and give your worms maybe another 2 to 3 months to multiply. By then they might be able to cope with the amount of dog waste you are adding to your worm bin.

If you have further questions please feel free to contact us.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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