Why does a worm bin need a tap

by caroline littlewort
(Cape Town)

Hello Stephan,

someone asked me
1) what the tap is for on the worm bin ?

2) where do you explain what the worm bin parts are for and how to start it off ?

3) and they wondered if there wasn't an easier way to do it than a mini-tower worm bin, something for an 83 year old ?

(I am thinking of my mum who's sold many Compacta farms to her friends in retirement villages, maybe that is the answer)
The system is so simple already, I suppose the only way it can get simpler is to reduce the size.


Dear Caroline,

you asked some interesting questions about worm composting.

The tap is not essential for a worm farm but helpful because it allows you to harvest worm leachate (worm tea) that has been produced in your worm farm. This liquid is a natural plant food and can be used as a pesticide as well.

A single worm farm like the Compacta worm farm or the pet poop processor worm farm are indeed even easier to maintain than the Mini Tower worm farm. Nevertheless a 3 tier worm farm like the Mini Tower has as well a lot of things that make it attractive.

We have a lot of articles that explain how to set up and maintain worm bins. The pages that should give you or your client lots of initial help are

https://www.worm-composting-help.com/worm-farm.html and


Have a look at those articles and if you need more information feel free to contact me again.

Kind regards and blessings

Stephan Kloppert
Author of
" How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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Dec 01, 2015
happy worming
by: Stephan

Hi Caroline

I am glad I could be off assistance. If you have any further questions about worm composting please feel free to contact me anytime.

Kind regards and happy worming!!

Stephan Kloppert
Author of
"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget

Nov 26, 2015
thanks for the feedback !
by: Anonymous

Thank you Stephan

i will follow your advice :)

Caroline Littlewort

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