Which worm farm should I buy?

by Kathrin

Hi there
Please can you advise as I would really like to purchase one of your products. I am a two person household with a relatively small garden. The sand in my garden is red and as I am sure you are aware, mixing compost in makes this sand much easier to work with and prevents it from going hard.

So, whilst I have a small garden, I do not want a composter that is only going to give me a handful of compost at a time and I would prefer a composter with a tap to retrieve the "worm tea" as I would think this would be excellent feed for my bonsai's.

Please can you advise what product you have available that would best suit my needs and the cost thereof.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards


Hello Kathrin,

thank you for your interest in our worm farms. Recycling organic materials
with the help of earthworms is always a good idea and the resulting
worm castings and worm tea will definitely improve the structure and
fertility of your soil.

I think either the Mini tower, Midi tower of the Worm heaven should be
worm farms that would suit your needs.

Have a look at them on our website and let us know which of those worm
farms you would like to order.

Kind regards and blessings to you and your family.

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

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