where to buy the worm in Sri Lanka

by Rajpal
(Panadura, Sri Lanka)

Rajpal from Pandura sent us the following question:

Where can I buy the worms in Sri Lanka?

Hello Rajpal, thank you for your question. We do have one contact from Sri Lanka in our Worm business directory Sri Lanka. Try to contact them and see if they can help you?

Should they are not be able to assist I suggest you contact some suppliers in India. You will find their contacts in our Worm business directory India.

If there are only very few suppliers of worms in your country that could be an excellent opportunity for you to start a worm farming business!

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

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Jan 26, 2018
Where to buy Red worms in Sri Lanka
by: Felix

I'm a Planter. Trying level best to find good kind of Compost worms (Red worms etc.) in Sri Lanka. No one is there to help me. If some one can Pl help me as I want to start worm Farm hear.I have visited some African countries like Zambia, Malawi and was able to get some experience on this.If it's from India so much better. afelix_rg@yahoo.com my email add. Thanks

Sep 21, 2015
Worm suppliers in Sri Lanka
by: Stephan


If you want to find suppliers of worms in Sri Lanka, please have a look at our worm-business-directory Sri Lanka.

You should find a worm farmer there that can help and supply you with a batch of compost worms.

If you don't come right please let me know.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"


Sep 20, 2015
Red wiggler worms in Sri lanka
by: Anonymous

Thank a lot for your web-page.
I live in Sri Lanka and have the same question. Where I can buy worms? Could you give me some contacts in Sri lanka?

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