Where can I find a supplier of worms in Botswana

by Bagele

I am interested to start a worm farming business and currently doing my research on my business idea.

Do you know where I can purchase worms in Botswana?

For your help I thank you in advance.

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Oct 17, 2016
Re: Worms in Botswana
by: Stephan

Hello Bagele,

great to hear. That sounds really exciting and I wish you all the best for your worm farming project.

Please if you need any further assistance don't hesitate to contact me.

Keep me in the loop on your progress.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Oct 16, 2016
Worms in Botswana
by: Bagele

Thanks Stephan I have secured an appointment with the research personnel in the ministry this coming week..am so eager to take my idea to the next level.

Oct 10, 2016
Re: Worms in Botswana
by: Stephan

Hello Bagele,

It's great to hear that you want to start a worm business in Botswana. As far as I know there are no privately managed worm farming businesses in Botswana so far. So you would be a pioneer!

The only place in Botswana that I know has started to recycle with worms is the Department of Agricultural research of Botswana. It is part of the Ministry of Agriculture and below is a link to an article about their worm set up. I suggest you contact them and ask them if they would be prepared to sell you some worms.
This is the link to their Url:


If you have further questions feel free to contact me.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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