Where can i buy worms in Spain?

by Sara
(Valencia Spain)

I want to buy some worms and cant find a supplier here in Spain. Can you please let me know where I can find a company that can sell me some worms?

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Nov 30, 2023
Re: Worms are breeding in goat and sheep manure
by: Stephan

Congratulations, on converting goat and sheep manure into fertile worm castings...

I wish you lots of success with your worm-farming bins.

Blessings from

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

Nov 23, 2023
Worms are breeding in goat and sheep manure
by: Anonymous

I'm in Almeria province. I had some goat and sheep manure delivered from a local farm to fertilize my olive trees and I put a few lumps of fresher stuff in my 3 x 3 x 3 compost bin. As if by magic I have a wormery now with hundreds of them and have just transferred a load into a second bin.

Apr 19, 2022
I brought worms in Armilla de Granda
by: David

I brought some worms for https://www.facebook.com/urbangreenclub/

They were quite small but the smaller they are the more you get. If you can feed them up they should do wonders.

I haven’t had a wormfarm in Spain before but back in Aus they did well under my care.

Nov 22, 2021
Worms for Spain and Portugal
by: Stephan

Interested in selling or importing compost worms in Spain and or Portugal?

Contact us at info@worm-composting-help.com with the details ie: Kind and quantity of compost worms, worm farms, worm castings you are looking for, and your
delivery address and we will attempt to put you in contact with one of our partners to send you a quote.

We will attempt to assist you as well as we can. If you have any further questions, please feel free to let us know.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

Nov 20, 2021
Looking for Worms
by: Anonymous

Also looking for delivery to Portugal.

If anyone knows of who to contact, please contact.

Thank you,

May 12, 2020
Worm suppliers Spain
by: Anonymous

Did anyone ever find a worm supplier in Spain, I’m based in Mallorca and really struggling to find them?

Oct 24, 2019
Worms in Frigiliana
by: Paul

Hi, interesting thread here on worms and compost. I've been gardening in Spain for over ten years,
only now getting round to producing my own compost but like other posters finding it difficult to source worms and not sure if they will survive the hot summer months when we are back in the UK. Any update on worm suppliers and general advice would be most helpful.

Oct 16, 2019
Re: Tiger worms and Dendrobaena worms in Barcelona
by: Stephan

Hello and congratulations on getting your starter batch of compost worms. You mentioned in your message that you underestimated the number of worms you will need for your project and that you are considering to purchase more worms.

Can you give us an idea how many worms you will roughly need for your project?

Keep in mind that if the worms are treated correctly their number can multiply rapidly and you might never have to purchase worms again as long as you be a little patient in the beginning.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

Oct 14, 2019
Tiger & Dendro worms in Barcelona
by: Anonymous

Indoor Organics in the UK was kind enough to ship me some, although it did take a fair bit of back and forth communication.

The worm distributer could not send the worms directly to me. Instead he shipped the worms to Indoor Organics and we let them have a rest there for a week as not to stress them and then finally on to me. The worms came alive and well, and where apparently very happy they started laying lots of eggs within the first week.

The worms themselves only cost £18 for 200g but the shipping was a whopping £31, but very fast.

In retrospect i underestimated the amount of worms i would need so i will need to place a larger delivery and i am still looking for a supplier here in Barcelona to avoid the large shipping cost.

All in all it took a bit of time but the customer service was great and i received some happy healthy worms.

Oct 05, 2019
Amazon.es supplier in Barcelona
by: Cristina

I looked on Amazon.es and found a supplier in Barcelona selling 50 units of lombriz Roja Californiana for €10.90 plus €4.80 shipping to Andalucia: Desconocido LOMBRIZ ROJA CALIFORNIANA 50 Unidades CONTADAS A Mano https://www.amazon.es/dp/B07SK1JSRT/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_FsdMDbDZMHSNF

Jan 07, 2019
Re: Still no worm suppliers in Spain?
by: Stephan

Hello Arno,

as far as I know there was one gentleman that wanted to begin selling worms in Spain a while ago. However he has not registered with our worm business directory yet and has not left his details. If you can't find a supplier in Spain try to import some worms from France or Germany.

Let me know if you come right?

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

Jan 03, 2019
Still no worms / Worms compost supplier in Spain ?
by: Arno


I would like to buy worm compost in Spain. Could you help me to find that ?

Thanks ! Great website btw :)

May 17, 2018
Torrevieja Spain
by: Sam


I am looking to buy worms for my compost bin and food scraps bin.

Please if anyone is selling in the Southern region of Spain, I live in Torrevieja.

Email me : samwbru at gmail.com

thank you

Jul 02, 2017
re: selling worms in Spain
by: Stephan

Hi once you do have enough worms and are ready to sell you should get a free listing in our worm business directory. It would be a good platform for you and the basic listings are free of charge.

kind regards and happy worming


Jul 01, 2017
selling worms
by: Anonymous

Hello i know this is an old post but thought i would say.
i will be selling worms very soon. as soon as the numbers are up enugh to offer out i will do.
i will keep checking in here to see if there is still some interest in buying worms. so if you would like to leave a message. please do.
Thank you .

Jun 01, 2017
Worm Seller in France
by: Paul Oldroyd

Hi Kit,

Yes, the French company will send worms to Spain.

You can find them here:



Jun 01, 2017
Also looking for worms in Spain...
by: Kit in The South

We have had the hardest time finding worms - trying many options including local farms, greenhouses, shrub/plant stores, etc.

Still no luck, so wondering if the French supplier was able to send them to you or if you found another seller in Spain.



Oct 19, 2016
Getting worms for free
by: Stephan

Hi Paul,

I hope you will be able get some worms from a supplier in France.

Anther possibility would be to look at some compost heaps in your neighbourhood. Compost worms can be found quite often in well maintained and long established compost heaps.

Give it a try. It might work.

Kind regards


Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Edidor of www.worm-composting-help.com

Oct 19, 2016
They all died!
by: Paul Oldroyd

The maggots were indeed black soldier fly ones, and all of our worms died, which is why we need to replace them :(

I can't get delivery from the UK so will take a look and see if I can get any from France.

Oct 14, 2016
Re: worm supplier in Spain
by: Stephan

Thank you for letting us know that the supplier from Spain listed hasn't got a page anymore.

We deleted his details from our website.

Kind regards


Oct 14, 2016
Re worm suppliers in Spain and maggots
by: Stephan

Hello Paul,

unfortunately that company was the only worm supplier we had on file so far. This might be an opening for you :-)! Why don't you try to locate a worm supplier in France or Germany or any other country of the EU. You should be able to receive worms from them.

What kind of maggots did you have inside your worm bin. If lots of your worms died it sounds as if your worm bin has been invaded by BSF (Black Soldier Fly maggots) I have written an article about the problem. You can find it at the following URL:


If it is in fact BSF maggots that have invaded your worm bin you should remove them asap or you might lose all your worms as they dislike the maggots and retreat away from them.

Let me know if you come right.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

Oct 14, 2016
The link doesn't work!
by: Paul

Hi, I'm looking for soemwhere to buy worms in Spain as well (as last lot succumbed to maggots). Unfortunately the link you give does not work. Are there any other suppliers in Spain?

Sep 09, 2016
Where to buy worms in Spain
by: Stephan

Hello Sara,

as far as I know there are not many businesses in Spain that are breeding and selling worms. However as far as I know there is at least one company that stocks and sells worms. You can find some information about them as well as their contact details in our worm business directory Spain. The URL is as follows.


I hope you come right there Sara. If not you are welcome to let me know and we will see if we can find some more worm suppliers in Spain for you.

Kind regards and all the best for your worm composting project.

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Edidor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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