What kind of worms do eat feces?


Horse manure is an excellent food and bedding for compost worms

Horse manure is an excellent food and bedding for compost worms

Q: What kind of worm eats feces?

A: Good day, in general compost worms like Eisenia fetida (Red wriggles) as well as Eisenia hortensis/ Dendrobaena veneta (European nightcrawlers) do feed on many kinds of pet waste (rabbit feces, dog poop, horse manure) and even human waste.

For some more information about the subject please have a look at our following articles.

The URL's are




These articles should give you an introduction and a better idea about the subject of earthworms and the recycling of feces.

If you have further questions please feel free to contact us.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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How worms recycle human manure