What can worms not eat? Which materials can be harmful to them

by Sally
(Punch bowl )

Kitchen scraps make good worm food.

Kitchen scraps make good worm food.

Will worms die if they eat lemons, onions, watermelon, strawberries, peppers, twigs or curry?


Hello Sally, worms can only eat organic materials. As a basic rule it is said that they can eat anything that was ever alive and is now dead. They eat materials that are starting to rot or decompose.

You will be surprised about all the things that they will gladly eat. Of the materials you mentioned above the only material they would probably not eat would be curry powder as it might be to hot for them.

Materials that could kill them and that should not be added to a worm farm are for example vinegar, hot spices, alcohol, oil.

For more information about worm food have a look at our 2 pages about "worm food" and the "Worm food rating list". You will find them both when you go to our site map.

I wish you all the best in your worm composting efforts.

Kind regards and blessings to you!


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