What are the advantages of 3 tier worm bins?

Jeremy sent us the following message:

yours is a great site - thanks for putting it together.
I have a couple of comments:

1) on your FAQ page you don't appear to answer the question: How do I set up
my worm bin?

2) on the 'Homemade worm compost bin' page you don't appear to explain the
benefit of a 3-tier system.

I'd be really grateful if you could cover these two points, please.

best wishes - Jeremy

Answer: Hello Jeremy thank you for your message and your suggestions. We always strive to improve our site and am grateful for helpful comments and suggestions.

We have several pages that deal with the subject of worm farm set up and maintenance. Have a look at the pages "Starting a worm farm", "Worm farm maintenance" and "Worm farm basics" which should help and answer many of your questions.

The main advantage of a 3 tier worm farm is the fact that one does not have to separate the worms from the worm castings manually and that the 2 working bins can just be regularly rotated.

I will make a plan to write some articles in the near future to explain those subjects in more detail.

In the meantime I wish you all the best and happy worming.

Kind regards


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