Wet worm bin? Very wet worm castings?

by Paul O'Brien
(Cheshire uk)

I have been keeping worms for a good few months now and I have initially used newspaper and cardboard for the bedding.
I feed them a variety of chopped up vegetables, and horse manure occasionally.
Unfortunately, the casts are extremely wet and apppear to be brown regurgitated paper as opposed to a soil based cast that I see online.
I just cant seem to produce casts that are not soaking, to the point that i need to dry out the bedding before it starts to affect the worms.
My worm bins are homemade and are 90cm x 60cm and are made of wood with a 6mm mesh base covered by black weed preventative fabric. They have enough air too.
What am i doing wrong regarding the quality of the casts and the wetness of them?

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