
by stephanie
(globe, az)

Do yoy need to add water or will the plastic generate enough moisture to keep the bedding moist?

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May 27, 2013
water levels in worm farms
by: Stephan Admin

Hello Stephanie,

thank you for your question.

Although a plastic sheet will retain the moisture levels for long periods it is inportant to add water at regular intervals to your worm bedding.

Worm bedding should be roughly as moist as a squeezed out sponge!

If in doubt the bedding should rather be to wet than to dry.

When you want to add water to the bedding remove all covers from the worm farm including newspapers and plastic sheet and poar chlorine free water over the surface of the worm bedding and food.

Than cover the worm farm again and go on with your regular worm farm maintenance.

I hope this helps Stephanie.

If you have further questions please let me know.

Kind regards


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