Water moat against fire ants in a worm bin.

You will be breeding mosquitos in that water moat!
Mosquitoes carry numerous diseases and parasites for you your kids and your pets.
Maybe add a layer of mineral oil to float on the top but watch out for rainwater overflowing the moat and losing your oil layer.

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Nov 12, 2024
Re: Water moat against fire ants in a worm bin.
by: Stephan

Hello thank you for your interesting post about a water moat to protect a worm bin against the invasion of ants.

I understand your view that mosquitos are a mostly unwanted nuicance and pest in and around our homes but the fact is that mosquitos prefer dirty water for their larva and avoid clean water if at all possible.

There are quite a few reasons for this ie: dirty water holds mor nutrients for the developing mosquito larva, it helps the larva to be more camouflaged and protected against natural parasites and the dirty water can create micro environments with more oxygen production than clean water.

That being said if there are mosquitos are laying their eggs into the water of a your worm bin water moat you can a.) fish them out on a daily basis with a fine meshed net or add 2 or 3 small fish (maybe gold fish) to your moat and turn it into a fish tank. The fish will eagerly eat all the mosquito laarva that maybe placed in the water.

I am a koi fish breeder as well and have had great results with that aproach.

Once again thank you for your contribution.

Kind regards and Gods blessings

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm bin on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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