Very few worms left in my worm farm

by Nancy

Composting worms crawling up the wall of a worm bin

Composting worms crawling up the wall of a worm bin

I have had my worm farm for several years, but lately, I’ve seen less and less worms. Do I need to add more? Would something cause the population to drop?

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Jul 16, 2021
Re: Very few worms left in my worm farm
by: Stephan

Hello Nancy,

there could be quite a few reasons for a worm farm to lose worms.

Without some more information, it is virtually impossible to tell you what went wrong.

The worms might have left because of overheating or getting too cold. There could have been heavy rain on the worm farm if it is standing in the open, which often causes worms to leave.

The environment in the worm farm could have become too wet (drowning) or too acidic for the worms.

Or there could have been an invasion of Black soldier fly maggots into your worm farm which often cause the loss of nearly the entire worm herd.

I suggest you have a look at our troubleshooting section on the website to find some articles that deal with the loss of worms.

Some web pages to start would be


I trust this will help you to get to the bottom of the worm disappearance in your worm farm.

If there are still some worms left and you are sure that the conditions inside the bin are still good you can either wait for the worm population to multiply again or add some new worms.

If you have any further questions or want to send us some additional information and or pictures about your worm bin please feel free to contact me.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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