vertical garden

by caroline
(cape town)

the materials for media

the materials for media

I attempt to make a vertical garden of my own, with recycled materials

1) recycled bottles as containers, hanging on a wire frame
2) recycled polystyrene as a medium
3) recycled food waste as a medium in the form of worm compost

I still have only philodendron, some snake plant (Kalanchoe) some 'weeds' from the shady parts of my mother's garden, and ivy....but I plant to add some ferns, some bizzy lizzy's, some shade loving pelargoniums, and some other shade plants from Kirstenbosch which are still growing up a little.

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Aug 12, 2016
Your vertical garden is a great idea to combine recycling and gardening!
by: Stephan

Hello Caroline,

I think your idea to use old recycled containers and bottles as well as worm castings that you got from recycled food waste is a fantastic idea and I hope you will have lots of success with it.

Don't worry because you only have a few plants so far. Rome wasn't build in one day either :-) So keep up the good work and maybe you can share it on with us!

Greetings and blessings


Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

Aug 12, 2016
Your vertical garden is a great idea to combine recycling and gardening!
by: Stephan

Hello Caroline,

I think your idea to use old recycled containers and bottles as well as worm castings that you got from recycled food waste is a fantastic idea and I hope you will have lots of success with it.

Don't worry because you only have a few plants so far. Rome wasn't build in one day either :-) So keep up the good work and maybe you can share it on with us!

Greetings and blessings


Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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