Vermicompost based on the soil structure and the type of plants

by Mehmet

Hello this is Mehmet from Turkey. My team and me have been following this vermicompost work for over 1 year and we are ready to make this business. And I have seen that Israel and China have been looking for this product. So that I wanted to let this company that we have the ability to calibrate the product based on our customers' request. Also we can supply any amount that our customers are in need.Basically, we produce the vermicompost based on the soil structure and the type of plants that the vermicompost is going to be used. This calibration is being done by our engineers and professional people in this work. We can talk about all the details if your side is interested in.
I do not know where exactly I need to contact but I decided to send an email to this company. I would like to get in touch with the companies or governmental departments that are dealing with and/or interested in our products.

Thank you very much
Best regards.


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Sep 20, 2016
re: vermicompost business
by: Stephan

Hello Mehmet,

thank you for your message. I am glad to hear that you are interested to start a business promoting vermicompost (worm castings).

I believe in the product and know that it is a fantastic natural plant food and soil conditioner.

You mentioned that you will be able to produce large amounts of worm castings. Is your worm farm located in Turkey? How much worm castings can you produce at the moment?

Please let me know how you would like us to assist you and your team?

I am looking forward to hear from you.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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