Vegetable oil added to worm tea!?

by Rick
(Toledo, ohio)

Hi, I stored rain waster for brewing worm tea in a 32 gallon plastic garbage container with a lid. However I noticed mosquito larvae in the water and so added about 16 oz of vegetable oil to kill the larvae. Do you know whether the vegetable oil will adversely affect the microbes when making worm tea?

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Oct 15, 2020
water and oil has different viscosity
by: majed al Turki

hello all

as i experience water and oil has different viscosity. so if you leave the mix for couple of hours they will separate eventually, then you can skim the oil or drain the water:)

Jul 30, 2020
Re: Vegetable oil added to worm tea!?
by: Stephan

Hello Rick,

sorry for the late reply but I have been very busy and COVID hasn't made life easier.

To be honest, your question is a new one to me, but then there is always a first for everything.

Generally speaking, I wouldn't like to add vegetable oil to my worm tea, and neither would I like to add it to the soil that is meant to feed my plants.

However, taking into consideration that you have quite some volume of water to dilute the oil I would imagine you might get away with it.

Just a word of caution. I wouldn't add the resulting worm tea to your most priced plants just in case it might have any adverse effects on them.

But I really would like to hear back from you what the results have been.

Wishing you all the best and stay healthy

Kind regards and rich blessings from

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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