Utilizing worms as a treatment stream in a domestic septage treatment?

by Scott Mong
(Auburndale Fl USA)


I’m Scott Mong, a septic tank contractor in Polk County, Fl. I’m extremely interested in any guidance you could provide me in regards to utilizing worms as a treatment stream in a domestic septage treatment.
My intent is to screen trash, utilize a sequencing batch reactor, dewater utilizing a combination of fast and slow sand filter, remove solids from filters and place within a worm bed for finale treatment of solids and utilize uv light for finale liquid treatment. Post treatment add nitrogen & phosphorus to liquids to market as home and non-edible garden fertilizer, worm casting and tea market for same and rear catfish with worms.
Anything can provide as a tool to convince Florida Department of Environmental Protection, this is a great treatment system would be great.

Scott Mong (863) 594 - 6850

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Feb 10, 2025
Re: Utilizing worms as a treatment stream in a domestic septage treatment?
by: Stephan

Hello Scott,

thank you for your message and the very interesting worm composting and aquaculture project you are working on.

I am a Koi fish breeder as well and initially used to grow worms to be used as food for my fish. Anyway, although I composted quite a bit of dog and human waste through the process of thermo- and worm composting I'm not expert enough to give you advice on your proposed processes using septic tanks...

However I suggest you have a look at "the Humanure Handbook" from Joseph Jenkins which contains a lot of useful information about the handling of human waste.

I wish you lots of success

Kind regards and God bless.

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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