Uses for worms and castings

Steve send us the following question:

Would it be safe to use worms and worm castings that derived from a dog crap compost in an aquaponic sustem?

Answer: Hello Steve thank you for your interesting question. Worms that where fed dog poop for some time could easily be used in an aquaponics system. Some people are concerned about the pathogens that can be found in dog feces and argue that those pathogens could get transfer-ed through the worms into the aquaponics system and from there into the final fruit and vegetable produce.

If you want to make sure that the worms are not carrying any pathogens from the dog poop on their bodies I suggest you place them for a week or two in a different worm farm that is run on plain kitchen waste. This way the worms can get rid of any germs they had on their skin while inside the dog poop wormery.

many people are skeptical about the castings that come from dog poop worm bins, because of the suspicion that they still contain some germs that came from the dog poop as well .

I am no scientist but believe that the effects of chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizers that can be found on countless fresh produce bought in our grocery shops are probably far worse than those that could come from dog poop worm castings.

But to be on the safe side Id suggest to use those castings for flowers and lawns and worm castings that have been produced without feeding worms any feces could be used for an aquaponics system.

If you would decide to use worm castings from dog poop worm bins a good way to reduce any health risks would be to cook all the vegetables that you harvest from the system thoroughly before consummation.

I hope this helps!

Kind regards and happy worming


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