by Stephan
(Cape Town and Radevormwald)
Hi Stephan
Long time to see.
However the reason I'm e-mailing you is the two pictures attached. Since
years of having your wormfarm bins I also notices these creatures... Any
idea what they are? Friendly??
Also another thing I'm still not too sure about... the "worm-tea"!?
What / how / where can i used it? So far I've been collecting it in big
20l drums...
I really would appreciate your fee(t)d back ;o)
Hello Jurgen, nice to hear from you. I am glad to hear that your worm farm is doing well and you are recycling your food waste and garden waste.
The creatures on your first picture are brown mites. Those are not really dangerous for your worms but they do compete with your worms for food. If they numbers become large, you can remove many of them by covering the surface of your worm farm with a sick soaked newspaper. After about 24 hours remove the newspaper which will have loads of mites on it. Repeat this a few times and you will have gotten rid of most of those mites.
The other picture shows mold. which is just taking part in the breaking down of your waste. Don't worry about it with time the worms will eat the mold as well.
The worm tea can be used as a natural pesticide is used as a foliage spray and as a plant food if added to the water that you use to give to your flowers and vegetables.
For more information have a look at which is my new website with loads of information about worm composting.
Kind regards
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