by Silvia
We heard from worm bins some weeks before and tried it. So we bough some bins and made wholes in there. The first days our worms were very happy and were eating much but today I have found 3 dead worms and was shocked about it.
I think the bedding in the bin is to wet. Is it possible that worms are dying because of this? I dried the bin a little with paper and ground. Also we made some wholes on site (bevore we just had wholes on ground). What do you think should we do/ or change that our worms feel more happy?
Thanks and greetings from switzerland
Hello Silvia,
I am sorry to hear that you found a few dead worms on the surface of your worm farm bedding. There could be a few reasons why your worms died. The food or bedding might have become to acidic for the worms in your worm bin, There might be other creatures in like the soldier fly maggots for example that the worms dislike which in your instance is possible as you mentioned that the worm bedding was very wet.
Worms can live in a very wet environment as long as it contains enough oxygen for them to breath. They can even live submerged in water if the conditions are right.
What kind of food did you give to the worms? Did you notice any maggots in your worm bin? Does the worm farm smell bad?
It would be best to learn a bit more about the condition of your worm bin and if possible a few pictures (not to big) which would help me to get an better idea of the problem you are facing?
Adding enough drainage holes is always important if you want to run a healthy worm farm.
I am looking forward to your feedback.
Kind regards
Stephan Kloppert
Author of
"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"
Editor of
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