Tortoise poo for European Nightcrawlers

by Emily West

Can worms eat Tortoise poo?

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Sep 01, 2020
Tortoise poo for European Nightcrawlers
by: Stephan

Hello Emily,

I believe that tortoise poo is quite high in ammonia which could create a problem for your worms if added fresh to your worm bin.

I suggest you either age the tortoise poo for several months or even better add it to your compost heap if you have one and this way the heat from the composting process will destroy any possible pathogens and will dilute the tortoise poo to the point where you can add it to your worm bin without any danger to your worm herd.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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