Thanks for writing your book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget!"

by Rodney

How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget

How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget

Dear Stephan,

I want to let up know that I bought your book along with a lot of other worm farming books, as this is something my wife and I wish to do to generate additional income. The first thing I notice is that there are huge discrepancies on major points book to book, which I found disconcerting however after closely examining the discrepancies, most of the books did not explain why or where their information came from. Your book however did explain, even if it was just a statement saying this is what you do. I also read your post about the fear of using dog poop and then using the worm poop (worm castings) as fertilizer for fruit and vegetables. I attached a study done by the Orange County Environmental Protection Division, Orlando, Florida. that supports your view.

Thanks for writing your book

Rodney Abel

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Oct 24, 2015
Worm books with different view points?
by: Rodney

Dear Stephan,

A few of the items That I found are the depth of the bedding {The worm book for beginners 2nd edition By frank Randall} Page 19 "The bedding should fill about 2/3 of the worm bin", Sewer sludge {Raising earthworms for profit By Earl B. Shields}Page 52 "Sludge should be allow to air dry for a year before being used alone in the pits", Grains {The biology & business of raising earthworms by Duncan craver & Bentley Christe} Page 26 " Brewery wastes According to Edwards and Bohlen (1996) This is a material that" needs no modification""’, this one is from my personal knowledge as a welding engineering Metal containers {Worm farming:Everything you need to know to setting up a successful worm farm By Brian Gant} Page 6 "Certain people have recommended only metal containers,but metal tends to act as compost contaminators, which can destroy your worm farm" which could be true for some metals but certainly not all metals.
Stephan you can post anything you wish that I send. I have found your book and web site a great resource. So much so that we order 4000 Eisenia fetida and 4000 eisenia hortensis of breeder size to start experimenting with.

Thanks again for all your help


Oct 24, 2015

by: Stephan

Dear Rodney,

thank you for purchasing my book and your positive feedback! As I wrote in my book the information shared is based on my own experiences that I gained over the better of 15 years now as a commercial worm farmer. I am glad to hear about the study about "The Effectiveness of Vermiculture in Human Pathogen
Reduction for USEPA Biosolids Stabilization" and will study it carefully. It is great that the study is supporting my view about the safe use of worm castings that have been produced by recycling dog poop. I have made experiments with human manure as well
and had good results. The worms thrived in the human waste and grew very fat and juicy which made them excellent bait for freshwater fishermen.
You mentioned in your message some huge discrepancies on important subjects of worm composting that you found in many of the books about worm composting that you read. Which subjects are you referring too?

Dear Rodney if you have any further questions you are welcome to ask any time. I would like to ask your permission to publish your message on my blog at to encourage other worm farming enthusiasts to benefit from your information and share their own viewpoints.

I wish you a great weekend.
Kind regards
Stephan Kloppert
Author of
"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

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How worms recycle human manure