Sunflower in dog poop?

by Stephan K

Sunflower grows in worm castings made from Dog poop

Sunflower grows in worm castings made from Dog poop

The sunflower seed that I planted in the dog poop worm bin a while ago is growing into a healthy flower. After a few nightly attacks from garden snails which I fed to my Koi fish after that the plant is really looking strong. There are still worms in the bucket with the plant and the worms are living of the remaining worm poop converting it into rich worm castings. I am looking forward to see the flower head developing.

So for all you dog owners. Use worms to convert your dog poop into plant food and grow beautiful flowers with it.

Happy worming


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Oct 31, 2012
The sunflower in dog poop
by: SRK

The sunflower is still going strong!

Looking very healthy. I water it every morning and add some dog poop to the pot to keep the worms in the bucket supplied with fresh food!

I am looking forward to the progress of the sunflower poop project!

Will keep you posted

Greeting and happy worm gardening


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