Separating dog poop from worm castings?

by Matthew

I was wondering how one would go about separating the worm castings from the dog poop. I'd imagine it to be difficult if the dog poop is soft or crumbly, any ideas?


Hello Matthew,

you are raising an interesting question. There are in fact a few options when it comes down to harvest or separate worm castings and dog poop.

You can actually avoid having to dig in your worm bin and trying to separate the dog poop from the castings in 2 different ways.

1.) A few weeks before you want to harvest your worm castings stop adding worm poop into your worm bin and collect it instead in a separate bucket or container with a lid. The worms in your worm farm will finish the remaining dog poop in your worm farm and once they have recycled the dog poop and converted it all into worm castings you can just harvest your worm castings without having to touch the dog poop.

The other way and in my opinion even better option is to recycle your dog poop in 2 or more worm farms at the same time.
When you decide that it is time to harvest the worm castings in one of your worm farms stop adding dog poop to it and rather add it to your other worm farm. Wait till the worms have recycled all the remaining dog poop in the worm farm, harvest the worm castings, and start feeding the worms again.

I have actually published 2 articles about the subject on this site.

For more information about the subject read the articles that I have published on this subject. The same principles apply for food waste, dog poop or any other suitable worm food.

If you want to harvest worm castings from a 3 tier or 5 tier worm farm follow this link:

If you have a single worm bin you can find instructions on how to separate worm castings from worm food / dog poop on the following page:

Keep up the good work and recycle as much dog poop and food waste as you can. It all helps the environment.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of
"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

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