red wigglers

by gary scharlat
(modiin israel)

Hello Stephan,
I am successfully raising and selling worms in Israel. Your book is in my library-right next to Darwin's "Earthworms". I would appreciate any info you have on avenues to market my worms and compost in Israel and surrounding countries.
Thanks for your blog which has produced some good contacts.

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Sep 26, 2022
Re: Marketing worms and worm compost
by: Stephan

Hello Gary,

I trust you are well. I finally get down to reply to your inquiry. I am glad to hear that my book and my website/blog have been useful to help you raise and sell compost worms and worm compost/worm castings.

We are getting, again and again, requests to export worms and worm compost from many parts of the world including Israel and some of its neighboring countries.

There are a few ways we could be able to assist you and potentially let your export business.

1. We could place a full page about your business with all your contact details, your services and countries that you could supply on our website.

The costs for this service are at the moment

$ 25 - per month,
$ 50 - per 3 months
$150 - per year

2. We could place your offer and contact details on the left column of all our 1000 pages of (The spot is close to the top of all the pages and says at the moment (If you want to export or import worms contact us)

This service costs at the moment

$ 100 - per month,
$ 200 - per 3 months
$ 600 - per year

A third option in the future could be a referral fee we could charge you for inquiries that we receive from potential clients in the areas that you are prepared to serve.

I trust this information will be helpful for you and am looking forward to hearing from you.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to reply to this thread.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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