Raw eggs as worm food

by Stephan
(Cape town and Radevormwald)

Fresh raw egg in a worm bin

Fresh raw egg in a worm bin

A few weeks ago I was asked if worms would eat uneatable raw eggs? I was quite certain they would but as I had never documented it had to make the physical test to see if worms would indeed feed on raw eggs.

So 2 weeks ago I added raw egg to my worm farm I use for experiments to see how the worms would react. The worms in this particular worm bin are my guinea pigs and get fed all untested materials that I haven't used before
and that are not added to the "worm food rating list" yet.

Worms only start feeding on materials that have begun to decompose. So it took them about 3 days before they started to show an interest in the raw egg but when they started to feed on it they didn't stop and a few days ago the egg was completely gone.

Due to the fact that raw eggs if fed in great numbers to a worm bin might cover the whole surface of a worm bin and possibly block the oxygen supply to the worms below I would not feed to many of them to a worm bin at once.

So I regard raw eggs as a moderately good worm food which can be given to them but only in limited quantities.

Kind regards and happy worming :-)

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Feb 07, 2019
by: R

Glad to hear worms can and will eat raw eggs. Been reading so much about washing out my eggshells and baking them in oven or cooking in microwave. Washing egg shells is too tedious a job and a waste of a lot of water. After I put them through the blender, I may heat in microwave to kill bacteria.

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