Questions about worm composting

by Stephan

Hello Stephan,

Thanks for the worm consignment. Now I need your advice as to what I need to put in my bucket to ensure optimum success. And the ratio of the different mediums that can be used. To your starter mix I have added potato and banana peels, bits of tomato, pear and apple peels and cores, dried grass clippings and some leaves. Sometimes I get a blue mold growing on top and 3 days ago the mix smelt a bit 'sour'. I left it open for about an hour.

What all can I put in as a "breeding medium" and what should I avoid? Are Cabbage leaves okay. Somehow it just does not seem to me as if there is much happening in the box and bucket.....Please give me a recipe for a breeding medium and how often do I add stuff. When is it too wet or too dry ? What would be the best temperature to keep the worms at?. Gosh I know I sound stupid but I do not wish to lose this bunch of red wrigglers as well.
I know you must be quite busy but I would really appreciate hearing from you with your best advice.

Kind regards.


Hello Annette,

you post some valid questions about worm farms their food and bedding.

Please have a look at the following page.

It is on one of my webpages and you should find most of your answers there. There are many pages on our website that deal with questions about worm composting and explain details about worm food, worm bedding, worm farm maintenance etc...

If you have further questions you can type them into the form at the bottom of one of our webpages and I and other worm composting friends can respond to you through this website blog!

Kind regards and happy worming


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