Protecting worms from Cold Winter weather

by Marie Bercier
(Abbotsford, British Columbia , Canada.)

What do you do in winter if you cannot have your worm farm indoors? It gets cold here in British Columbia, Canada. And we live in a small apartment.

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Jan 10, 2023
Re: Protecting worms from Cold Winter weather
by: Stephan

Hello Marie,

There are a few ways to protect compost worms from the freezing temperatures of a cold winter day and night.

I suggest you have a look at some of the articles that have been written on worm-composting-help about this subject. I believe that they can give you a better idea about how to help your worms to survive the cold time of the year.

The Url's are as follows:

I trust that these posts will help you to find ways to protect your worms during the cold winter months.

Kind regards, blessings and happy worming.

Stephan Koppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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