by Maria
(San Antonio, TX)
Do I need to prep my dog poop at all before putting it in the worm bin? One article said to let it dry out first, but that seemed counterintuitive to how kitchen scraps are introduced (wet).
Hello Maria,
there is absolutely no need to let the dog poop dry out before you add it to your worm farm.
Recycling dog poop in a worm farm is becoming more and more popular around the world but there are still a lot of myths around the subject.
As you noted quite correctly kitchen- and food waste are best added moist to a worm farm and the same applies to dog poop.
There are 2 reasons for that. Firstly worms need a moist environment to crawl through and live in because they have no lungs and are breathing through their skin. If their habitat dries out the dry particles of the bedding and food will stick to their skin and suffocate the worms.
Secondly moist dog poop is much easier for the worms to feed on. Worms don't have teeth and actually rather suck their food rather than biting it off. So obviously a moist and soft dop poop will be much easier for the worms to devour than a dried up and hard one.
So just collect the dog poop in your backyard or garden and dump it in your worm farm straight away.
Kind regards
Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"
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