Pet Poop compost question

With creating a pet poop worm farm, are you feeding your worms anything else or only dog poop?

How do you know when the compost is ready? Are you then putting the compost in your garden and flower beds or where would the compost be best used?

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Jun 04, 2020
Re: Pet Poop compost question
by: Stephan


when starting and maintaining a dog poop worm bin you can do both, you can feed the worms exclusively on dog poop or give them a variety of other foods like fruit, kitchen scraps, and carbon-rich materials like old newspapers and shredded corrugated cardboard which is probably the better option. However, we had worms that had been fed exclusively dog poop for many years.

You should see the finished worm castings when you see dark and crumbly rich soil on the surface of your worm bin. If in doubt give them an extra week or two before you harvest your worm castings.

To avoid any possible health concerns use your worm castings from your dog poop worm bin only for flowers, shrubs, and other ornamental plants.

For more information about harvesting worm castings have a look at the following Url:

I wish you lots of success and Gods rich blessings

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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