Participation and cooperation in the production and sale of vermicompost product

by majid asadisaryazdi
(No. 10, ASIA Police Building, Karaj, Iran)

I have been working in the field of producing vermicompost products and making equipment in Iran for 22 years. I can give you my best experiences in the field of high-quality, high-quality products. I am willing to partner with you. You can go to my site . I am waiting for your response

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Sep 26, 2018
Re: cooperation in sale of vermicompost
by: Stephan

Good day Mr. Asadisaryazdi,

thank you for your message. I had a look at your website and can see that you have an impressive knowledge and experience in the field of worm composting. Your idea of cooperation sounds interesting.Can you please explain to me in more detail what you have in mind?

I am looking forward to hear from you

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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