Night crawler worms on multiplying in my worm farm

I started a worm farm about 9 months ago with left over night crawlers from fishing. I feed them regularly with kitchen scraps but they are not multiplying. any idea why?

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Mar 02, 2021
Re: Nightcrawler worms on multiplying in my worm farm
by: Stephan


although European Nightcrawler worms (Eisenia hortensis / Dendrobaena veneta) are very good for fishing and excellent to be used in worm farms they are a little more tricky to contain in their bins than their smaller cousins Eisenia fetida. Nightcrawlers are true to their name and are trying (often successfully) to climb out of their worm bin especially after they have just been added to their new home. In order to successfully recycle organic materials with Eisenia hortensis (European nightcrawlers), you will have to learn how to contain the worms inside their worm farm containers.

You will find some helpful suggestions about the subject in the following article of mine.
The URL is:

I trust that this information will help you to multiply the remaining worms inside your worm farm. If you have further questions about worm composting please have a look at our articles in the "Beginners guide to worm composting" which can be found in the menu of our website.

I wish you and your family a blessed week.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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