New dog poop worm bin

by SooJ
(Yakima, Wa, USA)

Hi there! Great article.

I just put a pound of red worms two days ago in the bin that i've created to compost dog poop. There is a thick layer of newspaper, then like 2 lbs of dog poop and then more newspaper. so far the worms stay in the top pile of newspapers and don't go into the poop layer. i even found about 10 worms or so in the second bin to catch excess water/leachate. how long should i wait before adding any more dog poop? is this going to work? i'm worried the worms will all just die off :(

could you provide any more details or extra steps?
thank you!

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Aug 26, 2013
Dog poop worm farm
by: Stephan

Hello, thank you for your contribution.

Compost worms are top feeders and are therefore nearly always found close to the surface of their environment. It would probably be best if you would remove the worms and the top newspaper layer and restart your dog poop worm bin again.

Place the shredded newspaper bedding in the bottom of your bin. This should be at least 10cm / 4 inches high. Then add your worms and give them about 10 minutes to dive for cover. Next add your dog poop. It should not cover the whole surface of your dog poop worm bin. Worms will usually take about 2 weeks to get used to a new environment. After that you should see some action in your bin and the pile of dog poop slowly shrinking.

Once this is happening keep adding fresh dog waste to your bin. Worms that went to the bottom bin which is designated for the worm leachate should be collected and added to the top bin again.

These steps should get your bin going. For further questions have a look at the pages of our beginners guide to worm composting and the pages that deal with FAQ's.

Then you should be on your way. If you need further assistance please let me know. Once your dog poop worm bin is working feel free to share an update and maybe a picture with us the the worm composting community!

All the best and happy worming


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