by Alec
(Australia, NSW)
So basically last summer I had worms that were dying, they survived and now that its the winter they've had heaps of babies.
They were dying because they were drowning. They would try to bury down deep because of the heat (my worm farm is three layers, the bottom layer is for worm pee) and go down into the worm pee and drown, I had also fed them too much and realized they were trying to get away from the white worms.
It got really chaotic and for about a month and a half, after having to pull so many dead ones out of the water, I gave up.
There was enough food to last them, and when I came back after a month and a bit, there was heaps of worms and they were really Happy!
Please help me with stopping them going into the worm pee tray during the summer!
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