by Stephan
(South Africa)
Q: Is it true that mushrooms grow in worm farms? that is one of the questions we get confronted with from time to time.
The answer is "Yes" although most mushrooms of fungi that can be found in worm farms consist usually just of mold, there are as well exceptions to this rule where large edible and tasty mushrooms are found in worm farms.
This has been the case in some of our worm beds where we harvested virtually 5 to 10 mushrooms every week over a period of several month.
The mycelium arrived most certainly initially with some horse manure we used to feed our worm herds and spread rapidly throughout our beds in a matter of a year or so.
If the conditions are right and the mycelium is left undisturbed you can have your own private mushroom supply for years to come.
Warning:"Please make sure that the mushrooms found in your worm farms are edible!" If in doubt don't eat it!!!!!
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