Maggots of black beetle for worm composting and tilapia?

by srahi bongso
(mattegoda sri lanka)

I have black beetle maggots in my compost heap, whenever I aerate it. can I use this for worm composting? I also have three large tilapia ponds, could this be food for the fish too. Would appreciate your help.

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Apr 27, 2020
Re: Maggots of black beetle for worm composting and tilapia?
by: Stephan

Hello srahi bongso.

It is difficult to answer your questions about the maggots without more information about them.

Lots of maggots can certainly be used as fish food and one kind of maggots (Black soldier fly maggots) are used in many parts of the world for composting as well. However, those maggots don't work well together with compost worms as the compost worms seem to dislike the presence of them in their environment and tend to leave the worm bin which will usually deteriorate within a short time and will become a smelly mess.

You can find some more information about the soldier fly maggots at the following URL of our website:

If the maggots in your compost are a different kind it would be helpful to see a picture of them and get some more information to be able to identify them.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

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