by Mark Ortego
(Baton Rouge, La)
Maggots in my worm bin
I am trying to start a worm bin. I didn't research but just took off. Put compost manure, dirt, and some leaves in my worm bin.
Dumped a bunch of watermelon rinds in hoping to break down some before I started adding worms.
Man! The BSF maggots took over! So, I made a screen covering for the bed and started seeing the fly's hatch. I would let them out every day and didn't add any more organic material.
Finally, I didn't see any for a week and started adding worms to the bin. It's a 50+ gallon tote by the way.
Everything is going well and the worms seem to be doing ok and I've started to introduce a few potato peelings and cucumber peelings along with some shredded brown paper.
Today I noticed about 3 BSFs come flying out when I took off the lid and found about 3 maggots that I took out.
Any tips on how to prevent further infestation?
Will diatomaceous earth get rid of them or kill them? Will that hurt the earthworms?
Any help would be appreciated.
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