Looking for worms at night.

by Jacob estrada
(corpus christi t.x. u.s.a.)

My friend wanted to know if she could look for worms at night time? And how wet does the soil need to be for the worms to come out? She also wanted to know if she could lie on her stomach to catch them.

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Jul 06, 2022
thank you for that information about collecting worms
by: Anonymous

I will let my friend know that she can look for worms in the mid afternoon when it gets cool down. To hot during the day I will also tell her to be careful when she's trying to pull them out when she's lying on her stomach to catch them.

May 09, 2022
Re: Looking for worms at night.
by: Stephan

Hello Jacob,

I trust you and your friend are well. The idea of your friend to search/hunt for worms at night is generally doable but in my opinion there are better ways to get hold of your first batch of composting worms. The problem with picking worms in the dark is that they often will resist in case they are not fully emerged from their holes and if you attempt to pull them out by force there is a good chance that they might snap into two parts. This would be in most cases lead to the death of both parts of the worm.

Additionally, not all types of earthworms are suitable to live and multiply in worm bins and you might well end up with a kind of worm that will not flourish inside your worm bin.

Another reason to reconsider the idea of picking up earthworms for a worm bin is the fact that you should ideally start with at least 500 worms to get your worm farm off to a good start and picking that many by hand at night could take a long time.

As for the amount of rain needed for the worms to leave their holes it is often enough for the rain to come down for a short while for worms to begin to migrate, which can happen in worm bins under certain conditions as well.

I suggest your friend should read the following article of mine about finding worms for worm bins which should help to guide her in the right direction.


I hope this will be helpful for her and wish you a blessed day.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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