Large scale vermicomposting of horse manure

by Brent Stuart
(Bothell, USA)

Do you have examples of large scale vermicomposting in South Africa?

Horse manure and vermicomposting examples?


Brent Stuart


Hello Brent,

thank you for your question.

What do you consider a large scale vermicomposting site?

The largest vermicompoosting site that comes to my mind in SA at the moment should be a Hotel at the Spier wine farm but havent checked out their project details for a while.

At "Globalworming" my original worm farming business we feed our worms mainly horse manure.
We have downsized recently and are feeding at the momenbt only about 6 to 8 tons a year.

However the production can be doubled every 2 to 3 month once the need arrives.

Are you considering to start a large Worm farming project Brent?

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of
"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

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