large scale ideas for dog poop worm composting

by dagan
(Manitoba Canada)

Hi I am looking for ideas on HOW to deal w/all this dog poop!

My wife runs a small kennel (6 dogs) + we own 4...& she collects minimum of 10 gallons / 40 liter of waste a week - All I've seen online is 45 gal / 180 liter drums sunk in ground for disposal -
now my questions are

A:how do you retrieve compost after a year &

B:The 45 gal drum would be filled in NO time @ all - We need help to recycle all that dog waste!?


Hello Dagan,

we had up to 3 dogs ourselves for many years and I know how much land mines (dog poop) :-) they used to produce on a daily basis so I can identify with your problem. a 45 gallon drum would definitely be to small to recycle all the dog poop 10 dogs produce.

Nevertheless no matter how much dog poop you want to recycle if you have the space available worms can do the job!!!!

For your purposes you will need an recycling area of about 64.5 square feet / 6 square meters and a worm herd of at least 56000 worms. Worm bins of that size can be easily build and if you don't want to spend a lot of money on buying all the worms you need you could by a lot less worms and let them multiply which happens quite rapidly.

You could harvest the worm castings / compost once a year. It's pretty simple. When you want to harvest remove the top 10cm / 4 inches of dog poop and worm castings from the surface of your worm bin and store it for a few hours in buckets or drums than use a spate or small front loader to harvest the worm castings. Once done set up your worm bin again with some worm bedding and add the stored dog poop which will contain nearly all you worms back to your worm bin.

You will find more information about the setting up and maintenance requirements of a worm bin on my website. If you are prepared to spent a few bucks get all the information you need from my book!?

You could actually make money with the dog poop that your wife's kennel produces :-) Once your worm bin is in full swing offer some other owners of kennels to take care or their dog poop (for a fee) of course! Let the worms recycle the dog poop, convert it into an excellent organic soil conditioner a and sell it as well as excess worms with a good profit!

Trust this will help.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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