Kinds of worms and compost worms

by Gregory Perry
(Seale )

I understand that there are many types of compost worms. Could you refer me to a good book or website with details on all various types of compost worms?

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Aug 01, 2019
vermicompost production facility
by: Aksan

EMOSAS Continuous Flow Systems, our company makes all kinds of equipment and machinery required for the production of worms and vermicompost production facility installation. We sell our product especially Europen Countries like Italy.Contact Number: +90 534 791 99 89 (
Emosas Machinery Industry and Trade Limited Company, manufactures all kinds of equipment and machinery of continuous flow systems, which are new generation beds that provide high quality, fast, clean product with high efficiency and low labor force to provide sustainable product standard for investors who want to produce organic worm manure for good agricultural practitioners.

When starting worm manure production, we provide the support, production and installation of all the materials you need from the installation stage to the production stage of your plant.

We are proud to adopt the philosophy of "organic matter is the life of the soil" as a principle and to share our knowledge and experience with all our producers.

Emosas Continuous Flow Systems, TOSGEB Technology Manufacturers Association in Turkey is a company document to the owner.

Our machines have been inspected and approved by TOSGEB Technology Board.

May 24, 2019
Re: Kinds of worms and compost worms
by: Stephan

Hello Gregory, while it is true that there are thousands of different kinds of earthworms roaming the planet there is actually only a handful of worm types that are useful for commercial worm composting.

The most popular types of all the composting worms are "Eisenia fetida" worms known as well as red wigglers and "Eisenia hortensis" or "Dendrobaena veneta" also known as European Nightcrawlers.

My preferred composting worm of choice is the Eisenia fetida worm as it is, in my opinion, the easiest worm species to keep in captivity

Below are a few articles about earthworms that can be found on my website.



Those articles should give you a little overview of earthworms and the kinds of compost worms that might be suitable for you.

If you are considering to get a worm farm going with Red wiggler worms I suggest you consider purchasing a copy of my book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget" In the book I explain in detail how to raise and multiply Eisenia fetida composting worms.

In addition, you can find many more pages about keeping and raising compost worms on my website.

I trust this will help you.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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