Is that poo in your worm farm photo?!

by Gab
(Australia )

Is that poo in your worm farm photo?! If so, what kind and is it ok for the worms and resulting worm tea?

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Mar 02, 2021
Re: Is that poo in your worm farm photo?!
by: Stephan

Hello Gab,

Greeting to Australia. I trust you and your family are well.

I am not sure which photo you are referring to but we have composted both dog poop and human manure successfully with thermophilic composting as well as worm composting. There are various ways to go about this and you will find some inspiration in some articles on our website. For starters have a look at the following 2 URL's from our site.



Compost worms are quite hardy and usually deal quite well with dog poop as well as human manure if they are used correctly.

The resulting worm castings are certainly usable for lawns and ornamental plants. Some people use them as well for their fruit and vegetable gardens but there are others that clearly are warning against it.

If in doubt it would probably be best to use them only for ornamental gardening to avoid any possible contamination of your food garden.

I trust this will help you. I wish you lots of success in your worm composting project.

Blessings to you and your family

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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