I set up my worm farm using a commercial worm farm (the bedding was soaked peat that I squeezed out along with some shredded paper and then the bag of worms on top). I had a hessian sack to cover the top then a plastic lid. However straight away we had horrendous stormy weather and I soon found the collecting tray full of water so water had obviously been entering the sides and through the holes or cracks. The hessian sack soon became very moldy so i discarded it and have just been using the plastic lid. I have been very careful not adding much food as it was starting to get moldy (but have since realized from reading your posts that this is ok and probably a good thing!)The bedding now resembles wet mud and the worms are all wriggling and seeming ok as there are lots of eggs and tiny transparent worms so I assume the moisture level is ok? I didnt think they were consuming much food but now I think maybe I just need to leave the food in longer as it seems they need it to rot a bit first. Does the moisture content sound ok?
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