by Gloria Cast
(Lebanon OH)
I want to transport my 4 worm boxes outdoors.. I have drilled holes on sides and base of five 5 gallon buckets. I dug holes in gardens to place worm composting buckets, but before bringing worms out, I lifted the lids and after a rain the buckets are FULL of water. We have clay soil and after a rain, water sets on top of the clay soil not soaking in. I am drawing up plans to use several 36” diameter galvanized fire rings and mound more dirt inside and place one bucket or 2 inside the mounded dirt... over time tho, the dirt will settle and most likely I will had to buy more dirt to fill in. Preventative maintenance looking 5 miles down the road is ALWAYS BEST, anything that can go wrong, WILL... I want to be prepared for solutions FIRST before pouring the worm boxes outside, then have to try and rescue all thousand during or after a rain. I want to provide the best home possible for them safely away from other insects, birds, ants and rain. Come winter that’s another problem, that’s why I have them indoors.. but indoors is not working so well either. Any suggestions from you or your readers would be appreciative. Thanks. I’m sure your readers have had on-hand-experience with this situation too.
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