I want to save my worms NOT drown them

by Gloria Cast
(Lebanon OH)

I want to transport my 4 worm boxes outdoors.. I have drilled holes on sides and base of five 5 gallon buckets. I dug holes in gardens to place worm composting buckets, but before bringing worms out, I lifted the lids and after a rain the buckets are FULL of water. We have clay soil and after a rain, water sets on top of the clay soil not soaking in. I am drawing up plans to use several 36” diameter galvanized fire rings and mound more dirt inside and place one bucket or 2 inside the mounded dirt... over time tho, the dirt will settle and most likely I will had to buy more dirt to fill in. Preventative maintenance looking 5 miles down the road is ALWAYS BEST, anything that can go wrong, WILL... I want to be prepared for solutions FIRST before pouring the worm boxes outside, then have to try and rescue all thousand during or after a rain. I want to provide the best home possible for them safely away from other insects, birds, ants and rain. Come winter that’s another problem, that’s why I have them indoors.. but indoors is not working so well either. Any suggestions from you or your readers would be appreciative. Thanks. I’m sure your readers have had on-hand-experience with this situation too.

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Jun 18, 2019
Re: Clay soil remedy
by: Stephan


I believe that gypsum can indeed improve the draining capacity of clay soil and can as well reduce salt content of the soil. As I have not worked with gypsum myself it would be great if you could let us know once your experiment has yielded any results.

Wishing you all the best.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

Jun 17, 2019
Clay soil remedy
by: Anonymous

I read recently that adding gypsum to clay soils makes them more permeable.

I'm trying it myself, but no results to report just yet.

May 27, 2019
Re: I want to save my worms NOT drown them
by: Stephan

Hello Gloria,

I see from your message that you are really caring for your worms :-) and that is one of the most important facts if one wants to successfully run a worm farm.

To find a good spot for your worm farm is vital as the environmental factors can cause serious troubles for a worm herd if they are not within their preferred limits.

Rain can indeed cause problems for a worm bin but there are a few things you can do to give your worms the best chance of having a good life inside their bin if it is placed outdoors.

I wrote quite a few articles about this subject and believe that they will assist you to successfully run your worm farm outdoors.

Have a look at the URL to one of my pages to get some ideas on how to protect your worm herd from getting drowned or forced to leave the worm bin. The URL is


I trust that this will help you but should you have additional questions or suggestions please feel free to contact us again.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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