by Jan
Hi I am very interested in starting a worm business or even a black soldier fly business and want to buy your book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget and have a conversation with you.
Kind regards Jan
Hello Jin thank you for your message and your interest in my book.
A worm business is definitely something that can bring a good income and a lot of satisfaction if run properly. I found that recycling organic waste with earthworms and having them convert their food into one of the finest soil conditioners known to man can really give a feeling of achievement.
My book has been purchased by thousands of worm composting enthusiasts all over the world and the feedback I got from many readers has been very encouraging and reassuring. Apart from getting back to me in person to get some additional personal advice a lot of my customers have left very positive reviews on the sales page at Amazon. Have a look at them yourself if you like.
Copy and paste this link into your browser to find the reviews of the book
The book is at the moment available as a printed copy that you can order at, as a digital version at the Kindle store and as an ebook published at You can find the links to the order pages on all the pages of my website. If you want to get some more information about starting a worm business and the content of my book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget" copy and paste the following link to my page
I trust that you will find a lot of helpful information on this page. In addition please feel free to explore my website and if you have additional questions or suggestions you can always fill in one of the interacive forms that you will find at the bottom of most pages ot the website and I will get back to you asap.
I wish you all the best and hope you will get a successful worm business of the ground in no time.
Kind regards and lots of blessings.
Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"
Starting a black soldier fly business could be an interesting venture too, but due to my limited experience in this field I won't be able to help you a lot.
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