I love the idea of a worm bin! Do I need a double bin or is a single bin ok?

by Kimi C
(San Luis Obispo, CA)

Budget worm farms come in different sizes and shapes

Budget worm farms come in different sizes and shapes

I LOVE this idea. Do I have to have a "double bin" for this or could I have one bin that has holes on the bottom and make sure the bin is in a place that any weeping that happens through those holes goes to a happy cause. Do I then worry about my worms leaving as well?

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Jun 10, 2021
Re: Are holes in the bottom of a worm bin needed?
by: Stephan

Hello Kimi,

holes in the bottom of a worm bin are not essential but it is generally easier to have some way of draining of excess liquids / Worm tea from the bottom of a worm bin.

Instead of holes in the bottom of a bin you can as well make one bigger hole at the bottom of one of the sides of the worm bin. I usually like to place a tap there which will allow me to collect the worm tea and prevent the worm bin from getting flooded in case it gets accidentally overwatered.

With a tap in place, you can elevate the worm bin and position a bucket underneath the tap which will collect your processed liquids. Once all worm tea has been drained off it is relatively easy to close the tap and move the worm bin to its new position.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards


Jun 07, 2021
Are holes on bottom of a worm bin needed?
by: Kimi C

Thanks for the link to the budget worm farm, I knew I had seen a single bin but couldn't find it. Are holes in the bottom of the single bin required? I assume it's to prevent the "worm tea" (excessive moisture) from drowning our worms? Having holes in the bottom could make it messy to move the bin, etc. I have holes drilled on the upper part around entire the bin. I've set up a "poop bin" :) so am anxious to move the worm content to drill holes but it sounds like I need to do that?! Appreciate your guidance.

Jun 07, 2021
Re: I love the idea of a worm bin! Single or Double bin?
by: Stephan

Hello Kimi,

I am glad to hear that you love the idea of a worm bin. There are many different kinds of worm bins you can use. Depending on your needs, space and budget you can use anything from a commercial 3 or 5 tier worm farm to a single bin with a drainage hole at the bottom or even a plain old grocery shopping bag :-).

Compost worms are pretty hardy creatures and as long as their basic needs are met they can live comfortably in a wide variety of containers.

To get a little more information about the subject I suggest you have a look at our article
about budget worm farms.
The URL is


I trust that this will help you to get a step closer to start your own worm bin.

If you have any further questions or want to share your new worm bin with our worm composting community please feel free to get back to us.

Kind regards, Gods blessings and Happy worming


Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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