How to start a worm farm on a landfill site?

by Stephan
(Radevormwald and Cape Town)


our company is new in the recycling business, well actually we just started. We
where approached by the local municipality. They want us to start a worm
farm on the local dump site. Can you please give us some info on how we can
start this and the estimate cost.

Kind regards



where are you located? There are a lot of ways to recycle organic waste
with the help of earthworms. You have to consider what quantities of organic waste you intend to recycle and how much space you will have available to set up your worm farms. How many worms you want to start with? What kind of budget do you have invest into the project? Do you have access to water?...

I can surely assist you as I have done commercial worm composting for over 15 years now.

My normal rate for worm composting consulting is R300 per hour.

If you answer all the questions above plus a few additional ones you can get a low cost, fully functional worm farm going in no time.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of
How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget

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Mar 27, 2015
Re: worm farm on a landfill site
by: Stephan

Hi Stephan

Well I don't know what to say. We have to go as big as possible with no budged to start with so I will have to pay out of my pocket. Space, hope to recycle organic waste on an area of about +/- 80 x 80 meters,

There is a water line not sure how much we are
allowed to use but don't think it will be a big thing.

It will happen the question is just how?




well 80 x 80 Meters is a decent sized area for recycling with earthworms. You should be able to accommodate more than 30 Million worms on a worm farm of that size and they could recycle approximately 4000 kg of organic material per day, once the worm farm is in full swing.

To learn a little more you could purchase a copy of my book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget."

To set a worm farm of the above mentioned size up is not a big problem and would not cost you an arm and a leg. You would obviously not want to purchase 30 million worms as that would indeed be quite expensive but rather buy a decent amount of worms for example 50000 to begin with and than multiply them as you go along.

I could possibly assist you for a while till you got the worm farm properly set up and everything under control.

Kind regards

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