How to protect worms from ants?!

by Stephan Kloppert
(Cape Town and Radevormwald)

Hello, I trust you are well. Ants are quite a common problem to deal with when you are running a worm farm, they actually don't cause direct problems for the worms (except for a few species of ants) but are rather affecting them because they are feeding and this way removing sugars and fat that the worms like as well.

One way to make life uncomfortable for the ants is to add extra water to the worm farm which the they don't like but getting the worm bedding to wet is in the long run not good and could cause problems for the worms if the farm gets water logged and the acidity of the bedding increases.

However there is a nearly foolproof way to keep ants out of your worm farm for good. Have a look at the article " Protecting worms from ants" I published on my website. The URL is and it should help you to keep ants out of your worm bin.

Kind regards and Happy worming

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Publisher of

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