How to keep smell and flies out of a humanure poo bucket

by Lyn
(Tara, Queensland, Aust)

Hi we will soon be moving to live on 50 acres in central Queensland, Aust, which is completely off grid.
I am very interested in using worms for composting
Should I add a handful of lime and sawdust to our human poop bucket every day to help keep down the smell and the flies?
My partner is from the country but I'm a city girl,I need all the help and ideas I can get.

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Sep 23, 2021
Re: How to keep smell and flies out of a humanure poo bucket
by: Stephan

Hello Lyn,

In order to keep smells and flies away from your poop buckets, there are a few ways you can maintain a healthy nonsmelling humanure bucket.

We usually just add sweepings (consisting of old leaves, a little sand and soil) from the garden and the driveway to a bucket. We have a bucket of this fine material standing next to the toilet bucket and after the business is done the contents of the bucket gets quickly covered with a thick layer (1 to 2 inches thick) of this material before any flies can get to it.

Once it is covered sufficiently there will normally be no irritating smells that could attract flies.

Agricultural lime and sawdust should solve the same problem.

As long as the cover materials you use are compostable you should be ok.

Kind regards and God bless.

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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