How to keep flies out of a worm farm that is composting dog poo!

by Jeannette
(South Africa)

Hi. Thank you for the article . I have a worm farm and am wanting to start another one for just the dog waste. I saw on another blog that the dog poo must be dry before can feed to the worms. How do you dry the dog poo out without attracting flies and maggots?


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Oct 05, 2016
Recycling dog poo in a worm farm
by: Stephan

Hello Jeannette,

great to hear that you are going to feed your dog poo to worms. I have done so for many years with great success. In my experience it is not necessary to dry dog poo before adding it to a worm farm as long as the poo is picked up as soon as possible after it lands up in the backyard or the garden. Flies can get attracted to fresh dog waste and it is much easier for them and their maggots to deal with soft and wet waste than with dog poo that has already dried up. So if you find it fresh and without any maggots just scoop it up and throw it straight away into the worm bin. It is much easier for the worms to consume that way. They don't have teeth and can only feed on particles they can suck into their mouth or swallow in one piece.

If you rather want to dry the poop before you add it to your worm bin than its a good idea to keep it on a surface that is exposed to a lot of sunshine. The sun will dry it out quickly and any fly maggots that might be inside the dog poo will die. It will than however take a little longer for the worms to feed on the waste once it's inside the bin as they will have to wait for it to become soft with time.

I really wouldn't worry about the flies to much as there are usually far less of them coming to a dog poo worm bin than many people expect.

If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me.

Kind regards and happy worming

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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